Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lights, Lights and More Lights

My temporary solution...

With the festive lights of the Holidays and some pretty drab weather to go with it I haven't imaged since mid-November. I was looking forward to imaging again in the new year after all the decorations were put away, but It's not to be, at least for the moment...
The Township I reside in replaced the bulb in a street lamp across from my house. With this brighter fixture in place I'm sure I will have difficulty obtaining decent images. This light is easily 3 times brighter than the previous one with its bulb clearly exposed. Since my setup is portable and is stored in the garage when not in use I need to polar align each imaging session using Polaris which is located directly above this light. Moving to a slightly darker area in my yard restricts my view of Polaris and limits my sky view to the south and ~45 degrees East & West of Zenith. I then need to contend with ornamental exterior lights that my neighbors leave on all night.

New Light

Facing South

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